Tuesday 14 August 2012

I blame the internet. Sit tight.

Guess there can be many reasons why I have not blogged. Life being one. Work another, oh and the etc. But lately I kind of blame the internet.

And thanks to the Olympic opening ceremony, I know who started it..

Since I have not blogged in a while - I thought some randomness would be appropiate. So this is a guy who I think looks hot..

A lot has happened since my last blog. So bear with me. I might say more than is decent for one blog. But with my Telkom pole falling down, who knows when the next chance will be..
In this time: my oldest turned 6. 6. I can not believe it. Work is work. I still love it. Still want permanent. On the love side there is no change at all. Although this will need more detail.
I was giving internet dating a go. I still am. So far, so OK. Nothing great, but have had some nice conversations. It is nice putting everything out there, and just having a conversation. All on a platform where you can just block / delete if something goes wrong. Taking a chance the safe way.
Having a bad day. That is a heading of sorts. Recently (last 3 years or so) I have had a problem with people close to me reading too much into everything. I am not someone who over reacts. But when you come with tagline of "divorced", "single mom" etc, people tend to add that to your average bad day. In my opinion everyone is entitled to a bad day. A normal, no excuse, no reason just plain off day. Nothing normally happens differently on said day, just the sum total adds up you noting that you've had a bad day. Oh no, but I can't have one. Because automatically everone assumes it is something more. No people of my life, it is not. So feck off. And I don't curse. So you know..

One thing I can and want to complain about this week is some people in my life who complain. And that is all they do. If you can't hold one conversation without telling me how tired YOU are, or how hard YOU work, and how busy YOU are.. do me a favour and don't ask me how I am. Because see.. MY life does not start at 07:00 and stop at 17:00. I do not complain about being tired. I do not complain about work. I do not complain about always having to do eveything for 4 people. Because you know what? It is not that bad, in fact I love it. This is my life. These are my kids. My job. Nothing is perfect in my life, but that is what makes it my life. Do not for one second assume you know anything about me (unless you know me). I am a open book.You ask I tell. Unless it interferes with your after-fucking-noon-nap because then you can pass stop. And do not collect R200.

So that. Yes. Aimed at a few people. You will recognize the bulls eyes on their heads when you see them.

"The letter" is in. So now the lawyer finalises it. Then I can move on. It has been more years than most people even realize. I just want the ink then no one can even think of juding me. Then I want it all. Because I want to give it my all. Life. and Love. All up for grabs*.

*Includes three of the coolests pieces of baggage you will ever meet. Ever.

Life in photos:

Internet. Won't allow me to photobomb you. So guess it is good night. Stay classy :)

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