Wednesday 29 August 2012

Internet and Cushions and everything in between..

The internet has not been kind to me. I can go to any website I don't really want to go to, and the ones I want.. never load. I'm thinking conspiracy. But I know it's just our Telkom pole. Hanging on by a whisker and a breath..

I've had so much to say. I had opinions on the whole mine drama. I wanted to review 50 shades. Movies I've seen. Updates on my life. But now that moment has passed for most of these topics.

I've really been feeling a change in my life. I love my life. And I am very happy. But I do know there is some parts that need closure. Some parts that need change. I hate waiting for a new year. So I think I should pick some obscure date no one expects. And if I can vent about one thing.. living with my parents as a in between solution after the house we were renting sold... I.Am.Over.It. But I need my space again. Having someone switch off your light when you read at night.. someone walking into your room. Not used to that. At all.

Now that I am back I am back online. There will be more post. I need it.

Some random photos instead of a full stop.. Our life this past few days or weeks. I lose track

Crystal making..

Sparklers for no reason other than it being a Saturday and mom had some..

Baby Cappuccinos. First me & M. Then all three. They loved it.


We love scatter cushions. We buy a lot :)

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