Friday 4 May 2012

Twitter and Me

It is no secret that I like Twitter. I like it like I love Saturdays and flowers. For me it is more than staying up to date with breaking news, chatting with strangers and tweeting my random thoughts and bad jokes. The truth is much sadder tale.
As all tales starts, mine starts with once upon a time...  In a house just up the hill, there lived a girl that had another adult in the house. For the sake of the tale, let’s call him X… Now the girl and the X was happy. They were happy until they got married that is.  Pretty soon they had three beautiful princesses that lived with them. But Mr. X changed and was never at home. The fairytale ended and the party started. Four girls in one house, well that can only mean fun. Dressing up, make-up, reading and watching girly movies while sipping tea. Skipping the sunset and horses, we fast forward back to my topic.

Since I’m mostly surrounded by short people below the age of 6, my life lacks just a bit in adult conversation.  I can talk and joke with them all day long, but in the end I still like the odd conversations that don’t include me talking in a funny voice, or drinking pretend tea.
I know I sometimes overreact to people who tell me I tweet a lot. Some days I do, some days I don’t. I hate it when they look at you with that face and say that “they don’t have time in their day for twitter or news etc”.  Tell me, can you can look me in the eye, know me, and really think that argument holds water with me? I work. I also do all normal homework. I just do it all for four of us, every day. With a smile. And yet, I can still find 5 minutes in my busy day to keep up to date and joke around. Magic really.
Flipping the soapbox over, I can also say that these last four months have seen me be just a tad over sensitive about random things like this. I am well aware of this.  99% of the time I do not even react. It’s just that bloody comment, at the wrong time that has me on strapping on a hard hat and taking a defencive stand. My tactic is normally one or two well placed statements in defence of me, and then run for the trees to cool off and realise that I over reacted to an innocent remark. For this I’m sticking to the “I’m a girl” defence.  Because the smiley, permanent jobless stressed person that I was this last few months isn’t the real me.
It is nice to have a place to just put my random thoughts though, so don’t expect any grand gestures from me like deleting my accounts any time soon.  

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