Thursday 4 October 2012

Crash, boom, bang..

It's been a while. My one rule in life is to try and keep off social media when you have a bad day or moment. Something about saying things you will regret. Don't ask me, I'm not a expert.

One thing I now know is that I should have done this more. Just write. Just think. Because when life happens, boy does it happen. I'm talking about the stuff movies are made of. Or in this case, my life these last two weeks. Popcorn ready?

8:30 Tuesday 18.09.2012: On my way to work, there was a car that suddenly stopped on the N1 just after Lynnwood. Everyones hazards went on, everyone went left and right around the car. Me? I'm already a cautious driver so I was the first car not to get a space and had to basically stop. Cue cars coming past left right and centre. My worst nightmare? Knowing that a you will crash. What happened to me? I saw the car coming. I knew he was not going to slow down or stop. I knew he was going to hit me. It all happened in about 20 - 30 seconds. It felt surreal. Telling it now makes it feel real. He swung out last second and hit me more to the right, putting my car in a immediate spin across two lanes. I was just waiting for the second and third hit. Spinning across lanes on a national highway is not fun, let me tell you that. Ending with your nose facing oncoming traffic? Well that set off me freaking out in a very controlled manner. I wanted out of that car. That is where the two angels (Johan and Charles) who was the two cars that would have hit me in the next lanes came to my rescue. They got me out via the passenger side (my door was jammed). And helped me across the lanes minus my shoes. Charles then went and got my shoes etc. I won't mention the green eyed ambulance man right that made the other (old) guy switch ambulances so they can drive me.. story for another day. Or a daydream. Whichever comes first!

09:25 I was checked into the hospital and parked under a fluorescent light. I said I was fine. They confirmed that I will be stiff. And blue. But fine. I was just happy and wanted out of the brace. Chatted to guy who drove into me. Made peace. Called my mom. Needed my handbag to check out. She told me that as I was checking out of the hospital. My dad was checking in. And she was next. Two scans and biopsies later (and two weeks later) they were both cleared (thankfully). But how does all this happen! Admittedly we have been truly blessed with good health and no really bad luck. But it felt unreal telling this story.

A true "when it rains it pours" story.

Me? I felt my accident was a bump by someone. Just enough to write off my car, give me a scare and let me have two weeks off work, not enough to hurt me. I was able to be there for my mom and dad. And for that I was thankful.

So now.. happier times. Because there is always time for fun. But that will be a next post. A sort of part 2.

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