Monday 25 February 2013

Wearing slippers on a Monday..

One of my favourite lines (from a comedy) is from Anchorman. I actually use this line more than I care to admit..

"That escalated quickly..".

And that is where I am in my life now.

I won't go into all the detail again as even I get tired of hearing it. Scroll down or click on any post starting with something to do with "life", "crash" or "30". I was happily cruising along in life, when 3 things happened. Each one on its own would have just been sad, or an inconvenience. A bump. But I was prepared for one at a time. Add the three together and you have a what I like to call (in South African terms) "my struggle". Now I insert a very appropriate picture I found on the Internet.

Trust your struggle. I can say that I am to the best of my ability. Truth: I am over it. I've given it 6 months plus change and remain patient. But I now want to move on. Why am I sad and over it? It feels like everything I need to move on with my life is within reach. And yet the people who can give me that hand up (not hand out) is just... In short: Not my kind of people. And the other side is all tied up in legal still.

I want my life back. My own home back. I need my own space back to make the home that my three deserve. We had that. Taking nothing away from my parents (where we stay until all this mess is sorted), but being 30 and back at home is never the easiest thing to do. Especially since I share my life with three incredible girls.

I am even tired of this being my life story. I can paint it up and put a positive spin on it, which is what I do. But I just want me back. New chapter me. Happy ending me. Happy ending us.

Hate to start a week of on this note. Maybe I should have had that second cup of coffee!

I will have to work on my trusting..

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