Wednesday 25 April 2012

Choices I love and hate and regret

So it's official. Seems a big decision is needed from me on Tuesday next week. Tuesday the second day of May. And I can honestly say that I have my hands in my hair.

And this is not the best look for me as my hair is the kind of hair that stays the way you push it. Mostly.

I've gone on and on about rain and how everything you wait months for tend to happen at once. This is still true, but now I need to pick a direction. Do I choose the box or the money.

I've decided to put this at the back of my mind for Thursday to Monday. Luckily I can avoid talking about it since I have not really told that many people about said choices. I'll go with what feels best on Tuesday, no matter what I will feel on Wednesday. This is turning into a bloody spiderweb.

On a different subject, I'm still figuring out boundaries on topics I want to blog about. What I do regret on some levels is telling some people I know that I blog. Now I blush just thinking about blogging about stuff like sex and such.

This is a new time of the day for me to blog: 13:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. But I fled the office being without Internet since about 13:00 yesterday. I can only sit and stare and the screen and shuffle papers for so long. 5 hours seems to be the cap on my patience. After three I started bouncing my leg and tapping my pencil, so I'm sure by the time I jumped up and announced that I am leaving the lady that shares the office was secretly glad..

I'll probably blog again today. Going out for dinner with the soon to be ex.

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