Friday 20 April 2012

Fantasy and Solo

I have this fantasy life where I have two or three bff's (OK I hate that term), but best friends that is just always there. Available at the drop of a hat. Realistically I should add that I know this is not always possible. And sometimes when I say that I am not in the mood to go out, I don't need a friend showing up and insisting that they know better.. But nights like tonight after weeks like this week, I sometimes want some last minute friends.

Ever so often I get a random night off. A night off for me means the 3 is with their dad for the night. Unless I plan ahead, these nights are never confirmed until late Friday. Or Saturday. Depends.

I would love is fixed structure with some spontaneous bursts. And a Group B of friends who I can rely on for last minute movies, dancing or just a drink after work. My life is filled with planning, hurry up and wait and then last minute. Keeps things exciting, makes being social hard some nights.

I've become too used to do almost everything solo. Movies. Parenthood. Day to day stuff. And just,you know. Everything. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. I'm not spelling it out for you more than that.
Let me just add that I have the best friends. And wouldn't change the group I have for anything. I just need some acquaintances for the odd drink after work. And the blind date I always wish for.

I need to sell some benefits. If you know what I mean.

I shouldn't blog on Fridays.

As a end note: My dad sent me this email today that was almost depressing. This lady who is consciously trying to be the fattest person on earth met someone and is getting engaged and married. Say what now? How? Why! I can't even land a "friends with benefits" and you are serious about this. She can't even leave the house. Gah.

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