Saturday 24 March 2012

When do you tell him you about your blog?

Since this something that is bound to come up in a relationship, when is the right time to confess to your significant other that you blog? I'm guessing it will be at about the same time you tell him that you do in fact pee and do the other stuff as well. Especially if it is a personal blog.

I can just imagine the scenarios: You are on your second date, discussing work and life in general when you let it fall (casually) that you blog. He goes home, and does what most people do, and google it. He reads the last 6 months worth of entries and suddenly has a world of insight into you that would have taken him 3-12 months to get. If at all! It might end up as a HEA (Happily Ever After), or he might already be on the hill with is running shoes on.

For me it feels like it should be a extra, after that first 6 or so months of dating. You need to get past that "I'm trying to impress you by putting my best foot forward" stage. For most personal blogs it would be like giving someone your diary to read. If that person knows you, and truly listened to you, not much should come as a surprise, but it should give that extra thought and insight. That behind the scenes glimpse. The deleted scene. Or the gag reel.

None of this really matter right now for me since this is basically where I am with my divorce:

I'll end this with the best three reasons you will ever have to get to know me. Or date me (just putting it out there for all the athletic, tattooed, dark haired gentlemen out there). The Louis Vuitton of baggage. My 3 girls. Beats my best personality trait or physical feature hands down, every time.

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